Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Modern technology has changed the world, so ways for the better, some ways not...I was reading a blog today : where she talks about putting together a scrapbook with her mom after her father passed away, going through some old pictures. It suddenly occurred to me how in the future these kind of moments will not be possible, as we have gone totally digital, unless of course we take the memory card in and make prints, which we dont do...There was always something exciting about going to the store and picking up pictures processed not knowing what the results might be. Pictures are snapshots that capture moments in our lives, friends we have made, people we like(or dont like) things we do, places we visit. I want to be able to look back at those someday, remember things I had forgotten...old loves, old friends, people who I knew. You forget things, ya know...I know I do, but I want to remember.

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