Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Will all the crazy people please just sit down?

Seems like every once in a while ugly rears its head out from whatever hole it comes from and we see the beast for what it is: Evil, not good; wrong, not right. Seems the "pro-life" people out there let a dog loose, forgot what their motto was supposed to stand for (life) and this horrible, nazi baby killer, Dr Tiller gets shot down in his church. Now, I believe in God, and Gods will, but I just cannot help but think that this murder was pushed by the right-wing good church going people of the world, or at least the ones in Kansas. Consider some of this rhetoric from Mr Bill O'Reilly:(from:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/01/bill-oreilly-crusaded-aga_n_209665.html) Original Post: While many Americans may never have heard of Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller, who was killed Sunday, his name -- and nickname, "Tiller the Baby-Killer" -- should be familiar to viewers of Fox News' "O'Reilly Factor." Salon's Gabriel Winant reports that Bill O'Reilly has mentioned Tiller on 29 episodes since 2005, most recently in April of this year.

"There's no other person who bears as much responsibility for the characterization of Tiller as a savage on the loose, killing babies willy-nilly thanks to the collusion of would-be sophisticated cultural elites, a bought-and-paid-for governor and scofflaw secular journalists" than O'Reilly, Winant writes.

Some of the things O'Reilly has said of Tiller, according to Salon:

He "destroys fetuses for just about any reason right up until the birth date for $5,000."
He's guilty of "Nazi stuff,"
a moral equivalent to NAMBLA and al-Qaida
"This is the kind of stuff that happened in Mao's China, Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union"
"operating a death mill"
"has blood on his hands"
"executing babies about to be born"

I know, I have read about the pro-life leaders come out and say they condemn this act of violence as murder and horrible, but can they really think they are innocent of complicity in this matter? Labeling abortion "murder" and calling all those who condone it "baby killers" only incites those who think that taking the law into their own hands is justified, that God will forgive them for this is His will. What would be next? Killing gays and lesbians? Jew, Muslims, or Hindus? How about those annoying Hari Krishna's? Adulterers? Those who do not believe in God as they do? Meanwhile, a family is without its father and husband. Change the law if you want, but hold those accountable like O'Rielly and Coulter who fuel these flames (for a hefty profit) as accomplices, for thats what they trully are.


Allison said...

I really don't feel like engaging in a debate with you - and as I suspect, I don't think that you find abortion nearly as abominable as I do, so I basically forsee this as a pointless endeavor on my part. But I am sick of people attacking ALL pro-lifers on the basis of this one CRIMINAL who committed murder. (And it is interesting to me that YOU are attacking the very group that you recently claimed to be a part of...you did say that you are pro-life, correct? Have you already changed your position? I know it's not very PC for a liberal such as yourself to care about the unborn...)

Anyone who considers themselves staunchly pro-life, as I do, of course condemns the murder of "Dr." Tiller. (I only put Dr. in quotes because typically doctors are supposed to try to save lives, not destroy them...an abortionist such as Tiller is hardly categorized as a physician in my book.)

The dumbass who thought it was a good idea to shoot the "Dr." has done nothing but smear the name of pro-life activists everywhere who believe that ALL life is precious and that NO ONE has the right to end a life besides God.

Please do not attempt to put ME or any of my devout pro-life comrades into a one-size-fits-all box because of one idiot's heinous crime.

And by the way, O'Reilly's assessment of Tiller is spot-on. He was merely stating facts.

webberpa said...

That is the point I was trying to make, Allison, it was, or is the rhetoric that you and O'Reilly condone leads to justification of murder. I look at the issue from both sides, and I understand both sides. My ex-wife had an affair with some scumbag from work (a lowlife married captain) and got pregnant; she had an abortion, though at the last minute I tried to talk her out of it, agreeing to raise the child but she went ahead with it anyway. It was a tough period in our lives, to say the least. When a woman(or girl)is contemplating an abortion it is not because everything is rosy, or even black and white. I think if those "pro-life" people put themselves in the shoes of a poor, unemployed woman, or a teenager that made a stupid mistake by having sex they might not spread hate so easily.
And I do not trust those media folks who make money off of politics and issues...do you really trust O'Reilly? SERIOUSLY.