Me. This is me in all my foolish glory. And my trusty cross-country ski, taking it in to get an autograph from the Wee-man, but the line was too I was just going to leave when a nice old friend said she would get it signed (her rowdy rugrats were at the front, 2 boys destined to become doctors, or else do time, I havent figured out which yet.) Not that big a fan of MTV Jackass or skateboarders for that matter, but like I said, you take what you can get here in Graf, so we do apreciate it when someone does come around. Anyhow, Thanks Miko and kids. Peace to all this week, safe travels and a safe 4th to everyone! (BTW these are my skater pants, bought them in the thrift shop for like, $3.00, originaly priced at 69.95, they are pretty baggy, and make me look phat!)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Me. This is me in all my foolish glory. And my trusty cross-country ski, taking it in to get an autograph from the Wee-man, but the line was too I was just going to leave when a nice old friend said she would get it signed (her rowdy rugrats were at the front, 2 boys destined to become doctors, or else do time, I havent figured out which yet.) Not that big a fan of MTV Jackass or skateboarders for that matter, but like I said, you take what you can get here in Graf, so we do apreciate it when someone does come around. Anyhow, Thanks Miko and kids. Peace to all this week, safe travels and a safe 4th to everyone! (BTW these are my skater pants, bought them in the thrift shop for like, $3.00, originaly priced at 69.95, they are pretty baggy, and make me look phat!)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Michael Jackson
Sad, really. I mean, one does not really know what else to make of him. It, the whole thing. I mean, he certainly was matter how you slice or dice it he was "Off the Wall" out there. I am by no means a HUGE fan, though I did like some of his songs, Thriller, Billy Jean, We Are The World, Man in the Mirror...songs that were good and meant something...Black and White. But some of it was just alright and really not my cup of tea. Certainly dont own any of his cd's or have any songs downloaded on my ipod. Its just so sad, I dont think he was allowed to live a normal life, ever...from the age of like 6 or whatever on he was a star, never got to go to the mall, walk amongst us normal folks. But he had money, so who cares, right? And that sleeping with the kids thing. I never wanted to beleive he was a molester, but no one know for sure. But a guy on t.v. yesterday broke it down pretty basically: a 40-something man does not sleep in the same bed as kids...unless they are his own. PERIOD. I hope it was just false accusations, a scam to get some money; I hope for the best out of everyone. Maybe I am naive that way, I dont know. But I have always been that way...I was hoping that O. J. didnt really kill his wife, but thats how I am. SOMEBODY did though.
Anyway, you know what I really think killed him? His inability to deal with his own mortality. I think he couldnt handle the fact that he was human just like the rest of us and it scared him to death. Or maybe he WAS a molester and just couldnt live with the guilt. In any event, if the reports of drug and alcohol abuse is true, then he killed himself...just like Elvis...he used drugs to sooth his pain, his fears or whatever, and it killed him. Let that be a lesson to you, boys and girls: alcohol and drugs are BAD!!!
Too bad about Farrah, too, she trully was a beauty. Wish I still had that poster.
Anyway, you know what I really think killed him? His inability to deal with his own mortality. I think he couldnt handle the fact that he was human just like the rest of us and it scared him to death. Or maybe he WAS a molester and just couldnt live with the guilt. In any event, if the reports of drug and alcohol abuse is true, then he killed himself...just like Elvis...he used drugs to sooth his pain, his fears or whatever, and it killed him. Let that be a lesson to you, boys and girls: alcohol and drugs are BAD!!!
Too bad about Farrah, too, she trully was a beauty. Wish I still had that poster.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wee-man in Graf
Hey folks! THE Wee-man in da house!! In Grafenwoehr, no less! Crazy. Went to get an autograph, the line was so long and I just wanted to hit the gym, and was about to leave when an old friend, Miko came up and told me her boys were in line and she would get my ski autographed for me!!! How great! I went back and they were all gone, but, indeed, I got my cross-country sli with the signature on it. I am not that big of a fan of MTV Jackass, but when you are in Graf, you take what you can get...we dont get many "celebs" that do not have titles like "General" in front of them here. Besides, he is cool, born in Pisa, Italy, so I am thinking he has family associated with the military. Anyway, thats whats going on around here today...have a great weekend, and pray for the family of Farrah and MJ...they are with God now. Peace!
Not just another beautiful day here in Graf
Certainly not. Rain, again as usual. It is getting so old. No summer yet thus far, and its making me depressed...maybe I have some sort of no-sun depression sydrome...I know there is such a thing, too heard about it before. Anyway, its almost the weekend, and a guy by the name of Wee-Man is in Graf...a friggin celebrity of t.v. and the movies, no less...gunna run over and try and get an autograph and pics, too. Not much happens here in Graf, so one takes what one can gets. Classes are alright, gettin all A's; not bad for and old man. Wrote my nephew on facebook yesterday, seems some of the others dont even know how to use a computer. I dont get it. I mean, they are my age, maybe a little older, but still...I cant imagine not using the internet every day. I am hoping to get back in touch with my half-brother, have not spoken to him in many years.
Yes, we will have to do something here soon, perhaps a trip to Poland again soon, out basement is pretty full of donations, its getting quite out of hand. I will have to take pics and do a photo set called "My Polish Summer Vacation". It is pretty nice there, really, though the beaches are not much to write home about. I live to write another day...Peace to all..
Yes, we will have to do something here soon, perhaps a trip to Poland again soon, out basement is pretty full of donations, its getting quite out of hand. I will have to take pics and do a photo set called "My Polish Summer Vacation". It is pretty nice there, really, though the beaches are not much to write home about. I live to write another day...Peace to all..
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy happy days
Oh joy, back in to work again....there are few things in life I hate more than work, so I guess I will concentrate on those things to try and make me feel better about todays predicament. Lets see, I hate being sick, I am not sick so thats something. I wish I were in a warm place with nice sandy beaches and warm clear water to swim, instead I am in a cold, rainy place with nasty swamps with frogs, 'skeeters, and slugs. But, what the heck, things could be worse, trust me I I am thankful for what I have. I just wish I were smarter. And younger. And better looking. Am I whinning too much?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Hey hey hey, everybody
Its a beautiful day in da neighborhood....wont you come out and play? Summer is finaly here, as much as Germany gets, that is. Highs in the 80's are considered "hot" here. Makes me feel good, but it makes my studying harder and harder...wanna go outside and play in the grass or in a pool rather than read or look at a computer screen. The only reason I am writing this is because I have to be here at work, and need to kill some time before actually doing something.
Something interesting has happened, and is happening to me which I feel like sharing: I feel fantastic! And have for a while now, and I can only attribute it to one thing: I stopped drinking a while ago, which was, or is a major change in my life which has made my whole outlook on things much better, clearer, better. I mean, I know drinking a wee bit o beer or wine is probably good for most people, but the fact is my personality is one that tends to take things too far, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. Think: That Guy. Maybe not quite that bad, but then again, maybe so. And I hate when I think of all those wasted years of my life spent planning things around a party or drinking. Looking at ole Allison's ( pics of her trip to Amsterdam and her comments made me realize just how much my life has changed and how lucky I am.
So for those of you guys and gals out there who think that drinking and drugs is such a good thing, remember you only have one life to live, and you want to live and enjoy every moment that you can. Don't let yourself get sucked into a bottle, its hard to get out. Easier to not develop an addiction than to try and break one.
Peace Out, ya'all!!! Enjoy the sunshine.
Something interesting has happened, and is happening to me which I feel like sharing: I feel fantastic! And have for a while now, and I can only attribute it to one thing: I stopped drinking a while ago, which was, or is a major change in my life which has made my whole outlook on things much better, clearer, better. I mean, I know drinking a wee bit o beer or wine is probably good for most people, but the fact is my personality is one that tends to take things too far, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. Think: That Guy. Maybe not quite that bad, but then again, maybe so. And I hate when I think of all those wasted years of my life spent planning things around a party or drinking. Looking at ole Allison's ( pics of her trip to Amsterdam and her comments made me realize just how much my life has changed and how lucky I am.
So for those of you guys and gals out there who think that drinking and drugs is such a good thing, remember you only have one life to live, and you want to live and enjoy every moment that you can. Don't let yourself get sucked into a bottle, its hard to get out. Easier to not develop an addiction than to try and break one.
Peace Out, ya'all!!! Enjoy the sunshine.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Moving on.....
Sometimes it is time to move on from things, friends, places, whatever it is we hold onto because they mean so much to us we just cannot let them go. For many people it might be old loves who dont love you anymore, a wore out pair of comfortable shoes, for me it is my old mountain bike. Sounds silly, but true. I love my old Ironhorse fat tire bike. Even if it was heavy and slow, it got me up a few hills including the Wank in Garmisch, down by the river on nice summer days, and out and about on the town until all hours of the morning. But, I now have 3 bikes, and with the deal I made with my wife I am bound to get rid of it, my trusty old mare. The one good thing, I found someone who will take care of her, love her oil her chain and ride her like she deserves to be ridden. Now to get my wife to get to her end of the bargain and dump the "granny-bike". It has a bent handle bar, she never rides it, and I hate it, though it is useful for short trips to Netto or Norma because it has a convenient basket on the back. How about you all? Anything you have that you have been clinging to that needs to go? An old girlfriend or wife perhaps??? HEHE
Friday, June 12, 2009
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

And this week at work has been nothing but a big, fat waste of time. Here's the deal, this company I work for pays us a housing allowance of sorts, but it is placed in our pay with our salary and taxed by the german government. And the germans are serious about their taxes.( So this week we are reconciling our receipts and payments, doing conversions using the 266th finance website, which is actually a pretty useful tool ( So, anyway everything has to come to a screeching halt to get our collective stuff together just to save the company money, and take it from me this is about the stupidest thing I can think of. Not only have we wasted our time, now our paperwork has to go to an accounting office where more people will waste their time fuguring out just exactly how much we got paid, how much we spent, bla bla bla. And it all could be resolved by just paying us a flat housing allowance (like smart companies do) and be done with it. I owe big time...mainly because they over paid me from the very start, and because the rate went way up during the year, and they didnt adjust at all for that. I am not feeling very loved right now. My wife is mad, I am mad, and life goes on. Oh well, money isnt everything, I guess. Good thing too. Have a greta weekend, ya'all!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The bugs are everywhere.
We got them...thats why I like the one below...he doesnt bite, buzz around your ear in the middle of the night, or suck your blood. We also have ants, which my wife hates! I dont like them much, either, they make large mounds in the yard, we have tried many things to kill them but they are resiliant little things. I can tell right now I am going to have to cut the grass soon...rain and sun and weeds. But, we have to find some time for fun...the problem is my definition of fun is much different than my wife's, so I see compromise in my future. We still have our class work so we wont be going too far. In September we are going back to Colorado for a visit to the lovely in-laws...oh joy, oh joy. Maybe I will like it, the outdoor, the mountains...Americans, UHG!
Monday, June 8, 2009
All is well with me!
Well, sort of...I ended up with an A and a B+ in my last 2 classes, though I would have given myself lower marks. I feel like I am punching a ticket, not getting the most out of these classes, though, which goes against what I am trying to...actually LEARN something usefull. I know so many people with degrees who are so damn dense, it makes you wonder how they got that piece of paper. Do you wanna know about my high school memories? So would I. I spent most of it working at the West Side Market, slicing, wrapping and selling meat. Now I am a vegetarian, go figure. I went to school smelling like a piece of kelbasi. All boys Catholic school, in the heart of Cleveland....Jesuits, no less. Its a wonder I am not a serial killer. Did not get to play sports or hang out much with friends, not that I had much time to do so. Not that I am complaining, I mean, I made it through and learned a few things, just not as much fun as it should have been...shoulda went to central catholic, at least they had girls. I think it is unnatural to separate kids like that at such an important time in ones life. No wonder I am the social misfit I am today. Now on to bigger and better things this week.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I wish the world were a perfect place. It is not. People do bad things, good people get cancer and die, bad people who smoke and drink and cuss live to be 100 sometimes. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and so on. I am too tired to figure out who is at fault and WAY too tired and ignorant to sort it all out, right from wrong, good from bad. I think those of you who have it all figured out do not. There was a time when I was sure about things, lived my life right, had everything that I thought I wanted, and then it was gone; like that, nothing left but memories and a few pictures. One thing is for sure: I am not going to tell anyone what to do or how to think. Good luck with doing that, I hope you get what you want, if only for a little while.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Will all the crazy people please just sit down?
Seems like every once in a while ugly rears its head out from whatever hole it comes from and we see the beast for what it is: Evil, not good; wrong, not right. Seems the "pro-life" people out there let a dog loose, forgot what their motto was supposed to stand for (life) and this horrible, nazi baby killer, Dr Tiller gets shot down in his church. Now, I believe in God, and Gods will, but I just cannot help but think that this murder was pushed by the right-wing good church going people of the world, or at least the ones in Kansas. Consider some of this rhetoric from Mr Bill O'Reilly:(from: Original Post: While many Americans may never have heard of Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller, who was killed Sunday, his name -- and nickname, "Tiller the Baby-Killer" -- should be familiar to viewers of Fox News' "O'Reilly Factor." Salon's Gabriel Winant reports that Bill O'Reilly has mentioned Tiller on 29 episodes since 2005, most recently in April of this year.
"There's no other person who bears as much responsibility for the characterization of Tiller as a savage on the loose, killing babies willy-nilly thanks to the collusion of would-be sophisticated cultural elites, a bought-and-paid-for governor and scofflaw secular journalists" than O'Reilly, Winant writes.
Some of the things O'Reilly has said of Tiller, according to Salon:
He "destroys fetuses for just about any reason right up until the birth date for $5,000."
He's guilty of "Nazi stuff,"
a moral equivalent to NAMBLA and al-Qaida
"This is the kind of stuff that happened in Mao's China, Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union"
"operating a death mill"
"has blood on his hands"
"executing babies about to be born"
I know, I have read about the pro-life leaders come out and say they condemn this act of violence as murder and horrible, but can they really think they are innocent of complicity in this matter? Labeling abortion "murder" and calling all those who condone it "baby killers" only incites those who think that taking the law into their own hands is justified, that God will forgive them for this is His will. What would be next? Killing gays and lesbians? Jew, Muslims, or Hindus? How about those annoying Hari Krishna's? Adulterers? Those who do not believe in God as they do? Meanwhile, a family is without its father and husband. Change the law if you want, but hold those accountable like O'Rielly and Coulter who fuel these flames (for a hefty profit) as accomplices, for thats what they trully are.
"There's no other person who bears as much responsibility for the characterization of Tiller as a savage on the loose, killing babies willy-nilly thanks to the collusion of would-be sophisticated cultural elites, a bought-and-paid-for governor and scofflaw secular journalists" than O'Reilly, Winant writes.
Some of the things O'Reilly has said of Tiller, according to Salon:
He "destroys fetuses for just about any reason right up until the birth date for $5,000."
He's guilty of "Nazi stuff,"
a moral equivalent to NAMBLA and al-Qaida
"This is the kind of stuff that happened in Mao's China, Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union"
"operating a death mill"
"has blood on his hands"
"executing babies about to be born"
I know, I have read about the pro-life leaders come out and say they condemn this act of violence as murder and horrible, but can they really think they are innocent of complicity in this matter? Labeling abortion "murder" and calling all those who condone it "baby killers" only incites those who think that taking the law into their own hands is justified, that God will forgive them for this is His will. What would be next? Killing gays and lesbians? Jew, Muslims, or Hindus? How about those annoying Hari Krishna's? Adulterers? Those who do not believe in God as they do? Meanwhile, a family is without its father and husband. Change the law if you want, but hold those accountable like O'Rielly and Coulter who fuel these flames (for a hefty profit) as accomplices, for thats what they trully are.
the Bozo is back
After a week of destructive thoughts, mood, and a generaly bad mood, I am back to write down what little happens to me and what I think about it. Its like I needed a good mud bath, DEEP cleansing and hot. Washing all the dirt away to clean up my act. Same old dude, different day, just trying to make ends meet, keep my wifeypoo happy and keep my grades up. Classes ended last week, new class started yesterday. I'm only taking one at a time now, my old brain got confused and I kept posting to the wrong course, wrong assignments, and so on. Plus, it just got to the point where I could'nt relax at all. I like to live a little, take some time for myself, exercise and cook diiner, walk the dog, do something for other folks and be happy. I was hoping for some warm weather, but I do live in Germany. Not quite yet. Well, happines is calling, oh joy oh joy. Please dont tell, sometimes I want to just put plugs in my ears and sit in a corner where no one can find me...but not right now, they have located my position and I am screwed. I need to find an island, with room sevice that is. SMILE!
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